EANA photo exhibition: Image Authenticity in the Age of AI - 32 images from 32 news agencies (video)

Celebrating news agency photojournalism, EANA has organised the photo exhibition titled “Image Authenticity in The Age of AI – 32 best photos from 32 EANA news agencies” during the highly anticipated CEPIC Congress 2024. The exhibition showcased the remarkable work of EANA member news agencies, in a one-photo-per-agency mix, highlighting journalistic quality and stunning storytelling by EANA’s member news agencies. 

“Promoting news agency quality is one of the goals of the European Alliance of News Agencies, and doing so through powerful authentic press photography is one of the best way to do it in front of an audience. This way, the public experiences first hand what real journalism means and the impact of the showcased images is guaranteed to make a lasting impression. I was happy to see a large and diverse crowd made of both tech and image specialists admire the images picked by our 32 members, the leading news agencies in Europe", said Alexandru Giboi, Secretary General of EANA.  

The partnership with CEPIC also allowed EANA to organise a panel discussion during the CEPIC Congress. The panel discussion focused on news authenticity and the importance of trustworthy journalism for today's society, was moderated by Alexandru Giboi and showcased a diverse and highly experienced speaker selection: Stefano de Alessandri, the CEO of ANSA (Italy), Magdalena Konig, general counsel for AIQ (UAE) and Matthew Hibberd, the new Dean of the Faculty of Journalism, Communication, Society and Culture of the Università della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland). 

You can watch the video exhibit here